Buying and selling a business demands a level of expertise that you get from seasoned Business Brokers.
We help business owners decide when is the right time to buy, sell, or recapitalize their businesses
If you are a small business owner and you are thinking of selling your business, how to go about selling your business is where the work begins. Washington Partners knows the success or failure of selling a business is directly linked to the skills used in determining your business’s value, finding the right buyer and arranging a timely closing. We are affiliated with the Business Brokers of Florida and International Business Brokers Association which gives us access to the largest databases of buyers and comparable business transactions. We have many clients in the sale of their business with a smooth, confidential and rewarding selling experience. Let us help you to:
- Determine what your business is worth
- Prepare your business for sale (including which documents you need)
- Develop a detailed marketing plan
- Guide you through the complex details of actually executing the sale
- Prepare for an Exit Plan
Experience the Professional Difference. Let us take care of the complexity of the deal process and guide you through the buying or selling your small business with best terms and shortest timeframe. Contact us for a free and confidential consultation: